Church News
Carters Creek Christian Church news 10/06/2024
Richard Keller served as Superintendent and Thelma McDonald played piano.
Adult Bible Study continues Wednesday evening at 6:00pm (note the change in time) at the church fellowship hall.
Prayer was requested for Stephanie Knight, Linda Davis's nephew, Sue Denton, Lori Sorg, Kay Smith, Joe and Brenda Brewer, Grant Oldham, Ralph Ikerd, Don and Nancy Mahan, Richard Keller, Angie Basinger, Harold White, Lois Krezinski, a friend having medical tests, a brother, a cousin, a sister-in-law, Israel, and unity in the body of Christ.
Elder Barry Bishop led the communion meditation from Colossians 1:19-23. Communion was served by Steve Hawkins and Ronnie Lawson; Jeremy Smith and Aiden Keller assisted.
Brother Phil McDonald's sermon was entitled "Baptism" from Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; and Romans 6:3-4.
Celebrating birthdays this week are Beth Hawkins (6th) and Bonetta McDonald (9th).
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