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  4. Carters Creek Christian Church news 5/5/2024

Church News

Steve Hawkins served as Superintendent and Thelma McDonald played piano.

Collections continue for the Oreo cookie goal for Wonder Valley Christian Camp.
Adult Bible Study continues Wednesday at 6:30pm in the church fellowship hall. The study uses the book "From Now to Eternity: Prophecy and the End Times" by Jack Cottrell as a resource. 

Wonder Valley Christian Camp is hosting a free Family Adventure Day this Saturday, May 11th from 10:00am-4:00pm. It is an Open House style with activities for all ages, food, tours of the Pioneer Camp, and much more. More information is available atwww.wondervalleycamp.com.

A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at Unity Hall in Orleans on Monday, May 13th, 12:00pm- 6:00pm.

Prayer was requested for Janice Hurst, Kenny Spradlin, Sue Denton, Lori Sorg, Christina Kemp, Linda Davis' daughter, Kim Johnson, Angie Basinger, Grant Oldham, Sherry Deirth, Don Mahan, a friend's dad, and the family of Ernie Albertson.

Elder Steve Brown led the communion meditation with scripture from Isaiah 53:4, 5. Communion was served by Richard Keller and Harold White, assisted by Eugene Denton and Aiden Keller.
Bro. Phillip's sermon was entitled "The Final Judgment" from various scriptures. 
Approximately 30 ladies attended the Mother's Day dinner for all ladies on Friday evening in the church fellowship hall. 
Celebrating birthdays this week are Harold White (5th), Alec Bishop (5th), Thelma McDonald (7th), and Taylor Ray (10th).


Leader Publishing Company of Salem, Inc.
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Business Hours:
Mondays through Fridays, 9:00am - 5:00pm


