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Hoosiers have talent far beyond being top hunters, trappers, and anglers. With almost 450 entries submitted to the Indiana Department of Fish and Wildlife durable license card art and photo contest, the number of winners was increased from four to six to include two more of the staff’s favorites.

These images will be the background art for the new durable license cards available early next year. Thanks to those who shared their art.

A: Short-eared Owl Photo. Photographer: Triston Vittorio
B: White-Tailed Deer Photo. Photographer: Mike Mosier
C: Wild Turkey Photo. Photographer: Carson Hughes
D: Hooded Mergansers Painting. Artist: Robin J. Myers
E: Largemouth Bass Drawing. Artist: Boris Angelkov, Age 11
F: Painted Turtle Photo. Photographer: Bill St.Clair

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