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Members of the Washington County 4-H Junior Leaders worked feverishly on Thursday evening, Dec. 19, to prepare 430 cheeseballs for their annual Christmas-time fundraiser.
Because of a scheduling conflict this year, the group could not begin working on the project until later in the afternoon, rather than their traditional start time of 11 a.m. With a lot of hard work, and help from several former members and adult volunteers, the cheeseballs were prepared and distributed on time.

For over 30 years, the Junior Leaders have sold cheeseballs to raise money to pay for their annual Achievement Trip. Gatlinburg, Tennessee is a favored destination for the group’s 2025 trip.

Junior Leaders is a state-wide 4-H program for students in grades 7-12. Washington County’s Junior Leaders include members from the Salem, Eastern and West Washington school systems. The program has 20 members.

Junior Leaders provide assistance to the adult volunteer leaders, help various 4-H clubs and with related activities and serve as mentors and role models for younger 4-H members.

The Junior Leaders only offer their cheeseballs three times a year—leading up to Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The cheeseballs are just $8 each and come in three varieties: plain, parsley, and pecan.

Over 600 pounds of cream cheese, chipped beef and secret spices were used for the recent order. During this past Thanksgiving, 330 cheeseballs were made and sold.

The Junior Leaders will be making cheeseballs again in April 2025, just before Easter. Watch this website and other news outlets for ordering deadlines and details. Orders can be placed with the Washington County Extension Office by calling 812-883-4601.






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