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Indiana Arts Commission Accepting Applications for Two Grant Programs
The Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) and its Regional Arts Partners announced today the opening of applications for two grant programs: Fiscal Year 2026 Arts Project Support and Fiscal 2026-2027 Arts Organization Support.
"Arts and creativity are an essential component of the vibrancy, connectedness, and economic development of Indiana's communities," said Miah Michaelsen, IAC Executive Director. "We are pleased to offer these two grant programs, which create opportunities for Hoosiers to strengthen the fabric of their communities and improve quality of life for all."
About the Arts Project Support Program
Arts Project Support grants provide nonprofit organizations and public entities with funding to support a specific arts activity, such as a one-time event, a single production, an educational workshop, or a series of related arts activities such as art classes or training sessions.
The goal of the Arts Project Support grant program is to provide Indiana's people and communities with access to arts experiences.
In Fiscal Year 2026, this competitive program will be offered twice. The spring application cycle, for projects taking place between 7/1/2025-6/30/26, is open now and will close on March 4, 2025. The fall application cycle, for projects taking place between 1/1/2026-12/31/26, will open on July 8, 2025, and will close on September 9, 2025. Applicants are only eligible to receive oner Arts Project Support grant in FY2026.
About the Arts Organization Support Program
Arts Organization Support grants provide stable and consistent funding to arts organizations across varied geographies and budget sizes. This competitive program is open every odd calendar year, and applicants funded in the program will be funded for two fiscal years (FY2026 and FY2027).
The goal of the Arts Organization Support program is to provide an opportunity for a wide range of the state's arts organizations to make high-quality artistic experiences available to both residents and visitors through equitably distributed and meaningful grant awards.
Applications for Arts Organization Support are due March 4, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. eastern time through the IAC's online grant system. 
To apply for a grant or more information go to in.gov/arts. 



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