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Austin Schepers (Indiana State Police)


A Statewide Blue Alert has been declared.

The Indiana State Police has issued a Blue Alert for Austin Schepers, wanted for the involvement of injury to a law enforcement officer. Schepers is described as a 33 year old white male, 5 feet 7 inches tall, 150 pounds, brown hair with hazel eyes, with a tattoo of a cross under his left eye, along with multiple tattoos around his neck. Schepers’ vehicle, a silver 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix with Indiana license plate CRT921, has been located in the Orangeville area. If you notice a vehicle missing or someone walking in the area, please notify police.

At the time of the incident, an unidentified individual also occupied the suspect vehicle. The suspect(s) last known location was in West Baden, Indiana and was last seen on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 12:58 a.m.

Please keep doors and windows locked. Schepers is still at large and still should be considered armed and dangerous. If seen, DO NOT APPROACH and contact the Indiana State Police Bloomington Post at 812-332-4411 or call 911.

carSchepers' vehicle. (Indiana State Police)

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